Saturday, November 7, 2009

Entrepreneurial Spirit, what? Sorry I wasn't listening...

I just don't know why more people don't utilize Springwise. It's a website that keeps an entrepreneur up to date with what others are doing to change their world. I am a slacking entrenpreneur, shame on me. Two of my friends have successfully launched their own venrtures. I have been a subscriber for about 2 years now, and get inspired for a hot second, then get intimidated until the next issue comes out. Why is that? I am sure there is something , talent, skill etc.,that I can use to make money is this world or economy.

Bounce is an "Affordable Custom Web Design Branding and Internet Marketing Solutions" company. The creators took what they did best and turned it into a business for themselves. The second friend of mine created D'Vine Konnect because she loved to plan out events, everything from weddings to birthday's to what ever type of event you need planned.

So with my two friends getting their business on, I sit and wait for the perfect, timing? idea? opportunity?    I am still sitting with my head in my hands. I have ideas but I am just stuck.I don't know. Maybe I am thinking to hard and complicating this. I am getting a degree in International Business, gosh darnit! I didn't go to school for donkey years to become someone's SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST.

On a lighter note...

 Have I said that one of my Favorite hobby in the world is Cooking!!!! wooo hooo!!! I love it love it love it. And I love watching the Food Network; it has become an addiction (watching the channel is a good addiction). One newsletter that I received from Springwise, had this in it. OH LALA!
QOOQ-Le premier coach culinere tactile It is not an American Product, it is a French one. Mehn, what will they think of next. I am thinking maybe I should go back to.... Culinary School. Hmmm

How Cooking became a love of mine.
One of my good friends introduced me to this guy who became a familiar somebody on campus.  From time to time we would have one of the "passing chats." 

Example: (me) "Hey SoSo, how are you? Long time since I last saw you." (SoSo) " Hey, what's up? You know I gotta make that money..." Etc Etc.

Well, it was in one of these conversations that the question was asked " Can you cook?" So I am sweating, right? Trying to figure out if I should lie  or tell the truth. So I smile shyly and say no. I told him (of course it is a him) that no where in my life was it required that I learned to cook. All I heard was "ahahahahahaha....hahahaha!" for what felt like 10 minutes. I was so embarassed. I mean it was the first time I was away from home, where cooked food wasn't provided. So why was I to be concerned with cooking?

Anyway, run-ins with him became more frequent and more unavoidable. The laughing became a motivator to learn how to cook a whole meal. I wanted to choke up that stupid laughing. Honestly, does he know who I am?!?! Nigerian soups, let me tell you, are hard (sigh).   One year later I had mastered all basic dishes and two soups. My best work was done in the middle of the night. Cooking became a stress reliever for me, the only problems were finding people to eat the food...Word had a way of getting around. And his laughing stopped. HA HA...Boo Yaow, in your face, fool.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Job hunting for the pre-recent grad

Graduation is about 1 month away and everything in my wants to scream " WHY?!?! I AM NOT READY!!!" One day I was at the community college where I take my Chemistry class (so that I can graduate this semester) and usually as soon as class is over, I am " knocking down old ladies" to get in my car and make that 1hour trip to my university. Well, on that day, I could literally hear my brain telling me that if you make that 1 hour drive there, you will not be making that same drive back home. So I stayed my but back, and true to that, I was so sick that afternoon, with a fever and muscle pain that for once I was glad that I did listen to myself.

Job hunting for, almost nothing.
It is a very sad thing when you go through all those years of higher education classes, years of learning 80% things you will more than likely never use outside the classroom (consciously), and 20% what you learned outside the class or in passing, to receive a... better life and an opportunity to something out of yourself? ajob offer? No, the correct answer is... the first notice that your first loan payment is due in 2 months.

I spent some time asking around as to what i should do. Here are some of the suggestions:
  1. Teach abroad
    1. China
    2. Japan
    3. countries in Africa
  2. Teach locally
  3. Foreign Service
  4. Go back to school for a Bachelors in Nursing

  I went into the Career center at one of the schools that I am attending, in consortium with my degree program, and I was disappointed by the lackings of the whole office. I was expecting more than what they were offering or what they had the capacity to do.TISK TISK. Sorry folks, it was the outdated system of using a "Job Book" that did ya in. Not everyone has the high hopes of working in Federal Government. I hope to one day soon Marry a Man with a BoatLOAD of $$$$$. That was the reason I went to college....(I am a fool for that one).

The Career Center at the University I attend has some events coming up. They were charging $20 to attend the Career Boot Camp, even for students! I really wanted to go but the fee slapped the taste out my mouth; I am living on the students budget. $Free.99 is what I can afford right now. Well, I noticed that now the event is now Free. I wonder if not enough people registered for it or if somone complained...